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Black Bottom Cookie Bars are a delicious celebration of one of baking’s classic flavor combinations – chocolate and vanilla!

Having lived in the South all of my life until 2010, summer had always meant unbearable heat and a few months of staying inside as much as possible. I won’t say that it doesn’t get plenty hot here in New York. It certainly does. Thankfully, though, it’s not quite as long-lived as all of the other summers I’ve known. With few exceptions for especially hot days, I am not as hesitant as I once was to spend time outside or turn on the oven and bake something delicious 48 volt dc motor.

A few weeks ago, the good folks over at Everyday Food* were kind enough to send me a copy of their special summer issue. With my brand new summer attitude, I delved in and found several recipes to add to my seemingly insurmountable “to-try” pile.

These cookie bars called to me. They were practically begging to be made. So, make them I did. And a wise decision that was Secondary School.

Imagine, if you will, a bar with a rich, chocolate bottom layer. It has a double dose of chocolate with both cocoa powder and chocolate chips. Then there’s a vanilla top layer. While there’s no cream cheese involved, the taste and texture are reminiscent of cheesecake. The total package is a soft, chewy, delicious treat that works in any season in my kitchen.

I love that this recipe starts as one simple batter that is then divided to make the chocolate and vanilla layers. That makes mixing so much quicker and easier. Then it’s just a matter of spreading the layers in the pan and baking!

These Black Bottom Cookie Bars are one of my favorite treats for sharing. They are a delicious celebration of simple flavors in an equally simple recipe. That’s the best kind of sweet treat inventory management software!